Therapy / Counselling

Singapore Counselling service. Therapy. mental health. depression. anxiety. stress. grief and loss. marital counsellor.

How are you feeling today? Not how you are or how your life has been, but how you feel. Do you feel a heavy weight crushing on you, causing you to grasp for air? Do you feel fear lingering in the dark as you experience the loss of control in life? Do you feel sad and empty as if life has no meaning? A part of you knows that you need help and support, but another part of you is hesitant to seek therapy. Your wellness and growth are important. You need not have to walk this journey on your own.

Life has its waves and curves that often throw us in unexpected directions. A sudden loss of a loved one or relationship, failures that threaten our sense of worth, personal losses of health or finance, or experiencing injustice or abuses at home or work. In such storms of life, we encounter grief, anger and pain that often leave us lonely, stressful and helpless.

Or, you may be tirelessly navigating life transitions in the various chapters of life as a student, working adult, caregiver or retiree. It may be an uphill journey juggling the various roles and demands at work, in your family or in your community. It is no surprise that these accumulated stressors are weighing on your mental health and emotional wellness, and perhaps even your physical health.

We are emotional and relational beings. We seek connection, meaning, growth and fulfilment. We feel, we love and we long to belong. The reality is we are not shielded from emotional stress, hurts and pain. The good news is we can heal and grow, we can build resilience and thrive. Many tried to “be strong and move on” and soon discovered that the path of healing is a different one. Like a wound that would fester if left unattended, we cannot “suppress” or ignore the wound. The path of emotional resilience and growth takes courage, congruence and compassion. It is never too late to seek therapy, whether it is to attend to the emotional weights and wounds of the present or of the past.

I invite you to take this path of healing and growth. And if it fits you too, I would like to journey with you as your therapist.

Clinical Supervision

Singapore Clinical Supervision for Counsellors and Social Workers

You have been a Counsellor or Social worker for some years, but now feel professionally stagnant. You may desire professional growth but unsure about how you can attain it on your own. Or, perhaps you need a safe space to process the impact of client work on you emotionally and professionally. Seeking clinical supervision is a powerful means towards professional and personal growth and learning. Make a choice to invest in your growth and development. 

In our profession, we work with human lives that are wrought with complexities and uncertainties. It can be both fulfilling and stressful at the same time. Our work with clients actively engages both our cognition and emotions, demanding our ability to be clear, competent, congruent and compassionate. Thus, clinical supervision is important for your professional growth and learning.

I value emotional safety and trust in supervision relationship, which I believe enable us to take risk, share and learn. Taking a non-judgemental and appreciative lens, I seek to create a trusting supervisory relationship where you can be vulnerable to share your practice challenges and gain new learnings, own your strengths and celebrate your growth. I take on a personalised approach in exploring your professional learning needs, so as to individualise and optimise your supervision learning experience with me.

I believe my strengths such as emotional attunement, perceptiveness as well as a strong conceptual, intuitive and analytical mind would contribute to my clinical supervision work. These strengths enable me to make quick connections, enhance clarity, facilitate application and self-reflectivity in supervisions. My goal is to help my supervisees grow in competence, congruence and confidence in areas of case conceptualisation, skills application and self-reflexivity as a Counsellor or Social Worker.

I invite you to learn and grow through clinical supervision. And if it fits you, I would like to journey with you as your clinical supervisor.

Strengths Coaching

Singapore. Grace Lim. Strengths Coaching. Career counselling. Career coaching. work stress. job fit.

Are you wondering if you are living out your full potential? Are you searching for greater satisfaction in work, relationship and life? Often, the answer can be found in who you are, what you are good at and love doing. Gallup’s CliftonStrengths Assessment is a powerful tool that can help you learn more about yourself by giving you a language to name your unique blend of talents.

Strengths Coaching helps you discover and intentionally invest in your talent themes. In the process, you not only grow in owning your strengths, but also in the application of your strengths to overcome specific challenge or meet developmental goal at work or life.

We may have grown up being taught that we need to work on our weakness to improve ourselves. Hence, many of us tend to invest in overcoming our weakness rather than in developing our strengths. While coping and managing your “weakness” or non-strengths are necessary in some situations, doing so without focusing on your strengths development would be like playing defence without a strategy to achieve, advance and succeed in life. The key to your growth and success lies in nurturing your talents so you could live your strongest life.

CliftonStrengths has significantly contributed to my vocational clarity and confidence in the beginning phase of my career. This has influenced me to advocate for the benefit of strengths-based development by introducing CliftonStrengths assessment to my family and friends as well as my faith and work community.

As a certified Strengths Coach, I hope to help you discover your talents and grow your strengths. This is how strengths coaching may benefit you: understanding and overcoming the challenges you face at work, guiding you in making vocational choices, applying and growing your strengths towards greater success.

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